Ngaran produk: SNAP-8
Ngaran séjén: Acetyl Octapeptide 3, Acetyl Glutamyl Heptapeptide-3
Kamurnian: 98%
Kelas: kelas kosmetik jeung kelas ubar
Pamakéan: Anti Wrinkle jeung anti sepuh
Émbaran produk
Acetyl Glutamyl Heptapeptide-3 atanapi Acetyl Octapeptide-1 (atanapi -3) (SNAP-8) dirancang sacara ilmiah sareng wajar tina bahan aktif anti-wrinkle polipéptida. Geus jadi salah sahiji bahan baku pang populerna di sakuliah dunya pikeun upscale anti wrinkle cosmetics.Anti wrinkles disababkeun ku kontraksi otot ekspresi raray, nurunna excitability neuronal ku destabilization kompléks SNARE.
Aplikasi Produk
1. SNAP-8 is used in attempts to decrease the visible effects of aging by reducing the deep wrinkles and lines that occur around the forehead and eyes.
2. SNAP-8 inhibits the reactions that cause muscles to move or contract when applied as a solution to specific areas of the face -for example when forming facial expressions such as smiling or frowning.
3. Bahan Kosmétik:
Anti sepuh
Anti kerut
Perawatan kulit
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Epithalon péptida Anti sepuh
Epithalon péptida Anti sepuh
SNAP-8 Anti wrinkle
SNAP-8 Anti wrinkle