Ainm toraidh: SNAP-8

Ainm eile: Acetyl Octapeptide 3, Acetyl Glutamyl Heptapeptide-3

Purity: 98%

Ìre: ìre cosmaigeach agus ìre leigheis

Cleachdadh: Anti-Wrinkle agus an-aghaidh aois

Fiosrachadh toraidh

Tha acetyl Glutamyl Heptapeptide-3 no Acetyl Octapeptide-1 (no -3) (SNAP-8) air a dhealbhadh gu saidheansail agus gu reusanta de ghrìtheidean gnìomhach anti-wrinkle de polypeptide. Tha e air fàs mar aon de na stuthan amh as mòr-chòrdte air feadh an t-saoghail airson cungaidhean maise an-aghaidh wrinkle.

Iarrtas Bathar

1. SNAP-8 is used in attempts to decrease the visible effects of aging by reducing the deep wrinkles and lines that occur around the forehead and eyes.

2. SNAP-8 inhibits the reactions that cause muscles to move or contract when applied as a solution to specific areas of the face -for example when forming facial expressions such as smiling or frowning.

3. Cosmaigeach tàthchuid:



Cùram craiceann



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